Come and Find Rest Today
Journey Counseling LLC is a spiritual counseling center. Mental health for individuals are the most important thing to us. Let us partner with you and your family today and help you through your struggles with singleness, marriages, anxiety, depression, grief and many other family issues.
We feel at Journey Counseling LLC that counseling and life coaching is an interactive journey between a counselor and client. We build Journey Counseling on trust, love and prayerfully show our clients how to find rest through wise spiritual counsel and God's word.
Journey Counseling Trail Markers
RT @RickWarren: Prayer is not getting my way in heaven, but getting God’s will on earth. "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"(Matt 6:10)
RT @raycomfort: _The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death" (Proverbs 14:27).
RT @raycomfort: All sins are crimes against God’s Law.
RT @raycomfort: “May God wake up a slumbering church!”
RT @BillWelte: Trusting the flesh is like leaning on a broken crutch. Mike Genung
RT @aigkenham: Many atheists work hard to try to convince themselves there is no God so that there is no one to whom they are accountable.
This is the heart of Faith.
Great reminder.
So Good. A must read